A recent survey of 270,000 primary care and 50,000 specialist doctors funded by The Physician's Foundation presents an alarming picture of the future. Here are some of the depressing stats from the survey:
49% of physicians – more than 150,000 doctors nationwide – said that over the next three years they plan to reduce the number of patients they see or stop practicing entirely. In that same time frame:
11%, or more than 35,000 doctors nationwide, said they plan to retire
13% said they plan to seek a job in a non-clinical healthcare setting, which would remove them from active patient care
20% said they will cut back on patients seen
10% said they will work part-time
60% of doctors would not recommend medicine as a career to young people
Add to this the fact that the doctors who continue to practice are reacting to declining reimbursement by closing their practices to Medicaid patients (33% say they will) and Medicare patients (12% say they will).
5 years ago